Tuesday, December 2, 2008

According to Preston-

This is what Santa will be toting around in his big RED bag on Christmas Eve.....

Preston- kaleidoscope gears and pin wheels
Mason- a basketball and lots of balls
Daddy- an octopus and a bracelet
Mommy- tap shoes
Papa- candy
Mana- butterflies
Grandpa (in California)- a snowman
Grandma Jean- a vacuum
Granny- a beach ball
Grandpa- magazines
Auntie Honey- a yo-yo
Uncle John- tap shoes
Daniel- a baseball
Dylan- guitars
Uncle Bryan- books
Auntie Emily- crayons
Jeffrey- chalk
Auntie Jamie- a jelly sandwich
Uncle Scott- bread and gears
Maddy- a pet cat
Jake- race cars
Auntie Bree- pumpkins
Uncle Brian- apples
McKenna- birthday candles
Auntie Julia- bouncy balls
Darrel- new cars
Mrs. Slama- tinker toys
Mrs. Brabb- a back pack

SOOOOO.......you better be good! Santa (Preston) is watching you!


Lindsay Teague Moreno | 5ive Photo said...

tap shoes, eh? I didn't realize you were a trained dancer miss Trisha! We may need to see a few steps!

this list is awesome!


Erica Onelove said...

Thanks for visiting my blog :)
Funny how people end up on others blogs.

I'm gonna look at yours now if you don't mind!


flourish by mindy said...

That is hilarious! Will he add mw to his list? I'll take a pair of tap shoes too...we can dance our way to the preschool!

azmommy said...

Cool, I get a yo-yo! Preston is awesome and always says the cutest things! Maybe he can help me learn some new tricks with my new yo-yo!
Love you!