SO, for weeks now we planned on going camping in Rocky Point late Thursday night after being stuffed full of all that Thanksgiving was to offer. Our plans took a backseat to what really panned out. Mike had ordered his birth certificate weeks ago and even paid to over night it. Well, the Vital Records office in Orange County where he was born had another idea. Processing took too long and a birth certificate was absent. Although some were sure that we would not need birth certificates to get back in the United States, we did not want to chance it being that we would have two small kids with us. Another unfortunate event took place on Wednesday when Mike left work early to pick up our trailer and low and behold.......the place was locked. I was at Fry's with 3/4 of the camping groceries when he called to let me know. The place is run by a little old lady. There was a sign on the door saying that it was closed due to medical purposes. HA! Medical purposes that landed her out of town for the holiday is what we suspect. So my sissy Jamie and her family had to go enjoy the amazing beach without us. Next year it's ON!!!
Well, we were desperate to go SOMEWHERE after all of this talk of camping. We ended up at a campsite that we love (thanks Jami and Cory) near Payson. The weather was a bit chilly but we had a great time. There was actually some snow on the ground. S'mores were enjoyed by the dozen (ok, not a dozen but TONS) and the campfires were awesome. Plan A would have been so much fun but plan B worked out just fine and we had quality time as a family without computers and Nick Jr. ;-)
Well, good for you for still getting away! Sometimes the best made plans....
Your kiddos are so cute all bundled up. Were they so excited to see SNOW?
how fun for you guys! Once my little ones are bigger we have to go on a camping trip together!!!!
So cute! Probably a smart decision - skipping Mexico...I would hate for you guys to get stuck there! Looks like you guys had fun anyway!
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