Monday, December 8, 2008

Some pictures to re-cap our weekend!

The boys relaxed on the new pillow from Costco.  It is a body pillow that Jake and Maddy have.  It is the best pillow ever and is so incredibly soft!

Let's see!  The boys had fun dancing to Christmas music and boy do they move!  They especially like Mannheim Steamroller.

After his T-ball game, Preston decided to be goofy and add my Uggs to his uniform.  Preston goofy?  Hard to imagine, right?

Mason is a chip off the old's block that is.  I found him reading my copy of US 
magazine on Saturday night.  He needs his fill on celebrity gossip.  

Kirb made delicious shrimp cocktail along with crab legs.  The shrimp looked exactly like the picture...very fancy.  What a guy!  He is the best chef I know and I'm so glad he is married to me!

We bought our tree on Saturday.  The boys were so excited to decorate it.  All I have to say is THANK GOODNESS for shatterproof ornaments.  Within seconds they were everywhere and being thrown like baseballs (thanks Mason).  Mason refuses to leave the ornaments on the tree which then leaves Preston to put them back on.  That explains the bulbs placed erratically.  We keep forgetting to put our star on top of the tree.  We'll do it tonight.

And finally, thanks to Auntie we got our Christmas picture taken and our Christmas cards are ordered!  The first pictures are what I call the "Kirby Family picture bloopers"  and then the final picture is the final shot.   


flourish by mindy said...

What a darling family! And, your hair looks awesome!

Samara Link said...

* That pillow looks awesome! I'm glad you posted it. I think I might go pick one up for my brother and his fam. They have four little ones. So, they could always use more sitting/laying space.

* Your tree looks great. Love the ornaments.

* Awesome family picture!! You are so cute together. :) Congrats on getting your cards done.

Astraea said...

We seriously had to professional shoots and one by a friend. We picked the "least bad" picture!

Lindsay Teague Moreno | 5ive Photo said...

dude're hot! your fam is adorable!!!