Someburros night" has been a weekly event in my life for about six years. My beautiful mom, wonderful aunt, and amazing sister's are all included in the event. A really good night is when Jules surprises us and makes an appearance. You would think that we hadn't seen her in years and that she must be royalty. And when we are really lucky, Granny joins us too! We start off the day with a "Happy
Someburros" text or phone call to one another. We ask each other when we should all meet
although 99.9% of the time we meet at 6:30. We get together and we gossip, laugh, cry, gossip, laugh and laugh again. We solve the world's problems in just two hours. We get renewed energy to face the exciting, happy or stressful week that is in store. It pains us to miss a week! It is like waiting to go to a party with your best friends and well for me-they are my best friends! The employees know us so well that they have our chips and salsa waiting-even the million sides of mild that we each have to have! We are
referred to as "The Sisters" and often times people think my mom
IS my sister. A little too often actually! Just kidding mom!
My personal favorite "
Someburros night" happened almost exactly five years ago. Two of us had a secret. Two of us were pregnant. My Aunt Wendy (who from now on will be referred to as Auntie Honey) was pregnant and SO WAS I! Now, you have to understand something. My Aunt and I are very close. We have been close probably since I was born. She is my God Mother and has played such a special role in my life
consistently. We tell each other most everything....but not this special secret. We decided individually to tell the crew about our news on the same night. I knew that a baby was in the plans for her so a couple of days after I found out I was pregnant I asked her if she was. "Nope" she responded. I was kind of sad thinking that I was and she wasn't. Mike and I had just started "trying" (and yes I hate that term but whatever) that month and so no one even knew it was a possibility for me.
A couple of hours before
Someburros I headed to my mom's house to let her be the first to know. She is the one who gave birth to me after all and now I was going to have a baby of my own. Julia happened to be there and when I told her the news and explained that I was going to fill everyone in on the news that night she said and I quote "Oh, I'm not going to miss this". Well, she already knew about Auntie and also that she was going to tell her secret that night as well.
At the dinner table, we were all seated and I decided that Maddy (my sister Jamie's daughter) should be the one to share my news. I whispered in her ear "Maddy, Auntie Trisha has a baby in her tummy". She looked at me with such excitement and shouted to the gang the exact words I just whispered. "Auntie Trisha has a baby in her tummy". After all the hugs and congratulations were given out, Auntie said that Daniel (her first son) had a message for us as well. She opened up his jacket and his t-shirt read "I'm the big brother". The only word I can think of right now to describe the goings on right at that moment is
MAYHEM! There were screams! There were tears! There was "What!" "What!" "BOTH OF YOU PREGNANT?" "NO WAY!" "WHAT!!" It was one of the most amazing moments of my life. My aunt, who would do anything for me, got pregnant because God forbid I do it alone. Thank you Auntie! We had similar pregnancies with our due date being on the SAME DAY!! Dylan decided he needed to beat Preston and check things out to make sure the world was safe and made his debut on July 22 and Preston exactly one month later. I have posted a few pictures with this post. One is of Auntie Honey and I hugging RIGHT after we found out. It was scanned so I apologize for the quality.