Monday, January 5, 2009

Hispanic by marriage-

I was blessed to have been brought up eating the best food prepared by my Grandparents. Yummy tortillas, enchiladas, beans, red and green chili and much more. For New Year's Jamie invited us over for a Mexican Fiesta. When we discussed what our family would contribute, Kirb offered to make my grandparents signature red chili. This was not his first attempt at making it but my first to blog about it. The guy is amazing. Have I said that before? Anyway, after working in the kitchen for quite a while-the smell was heavenly and brought back memories from my childhood and the taste was incredible too. Although to make it perfect, it would require my grandpa's tortillas but I must say it came pretty darn close. I have had it left over about 5 times since then and keep thanking him over and over again for being so ambitious and such an awesome cook. He always tells me that if you can read a recipe that you can cook too. I say nope. Not true. He's a natural. Thank you for out of this world chili sweetheart!

1 comment:

flourish by mindy said...

Sounds delish! He sounds like my Mr. C. (a great cook). We missed you today...snowed in. We should see you Wed.